My Intuitive readings are based on the idea that we create our own realities –
This means that we’re ultimately responsible for all of our life circumstances: the good, the bad and the ugly – whatever happens in the external world is ultimately a reflection of our internal landscape…
You might be wondering why people would create unpleasant circumstances for themselves in the first place (and it’s a great question)…
It’s because there is very often a pronounced split between our conscious minds (where we focus on the things we want to create) and our unconscious minds (where our innermost fears, struggles and conflicts hang out in secret).
This is why so many of us often experience a disconnect between the things that we say we want and the things that the universe actually brings us…
For example, a part of you might be loudly proclaiming, “I want nothing more than to be in a loving, committed partnership…” You might be putting all of your intention on it: meditating about it, visualizing it, doing everything you can to manifest it – and yet still you remain single (and wondering why the universe has let you down)…
That’s because your unconscious self might be singing a different song altogether –
You might actually be scared of the vulnerability of truly opening your heart to another; or you might be carrying around the belief that any love you find will then get snatched away from you; or you might feel that getting into adult partnership somehow betrays your parents who want you all to themselves…
The possibilities are endless, but the underlying idea is that we often have fears, doubts and conflicts playing out underneath the surface that we’re not even aware of –
This is precisely where an intuitive reading can help you.
I help people make huge shifts in their lives by bringing the light of consciousness to the darkened shadow areas that they may not even know even exist inside of them…
In 60 or 90 minute readings, I use my skills…
As an intuitive (the ability to receive psychic information)…
As an empath (the ability to feel, see and hear what is going on inside of you on an unconscious level)…
And as a channel (the ability to use my own body and voice to clear out energy that has gotten stuck or blocked in you)…
To identify the parts of you waiting to be explored, healed and shifted through any life challenge, unfulfilled desire, difficult decision or area of struggle.
Unlike other psychic or intuitive sessions, these reading are experiential, embodied and energetic.
This is not about you passively receiving magical answers from an outside source, but instead an opportunity to open up to your own creative wisdom, your own desires, your own interior life. I am simply a facilitator who helps you to experience yourself in a new way.
Be prepared to…
- Be deeply seen, felt and heard…
- Reclaim vital parts of yourself that may have gotten lost or disconnected over the years…
- Connect more fully to your own creative wisdom, creative passion and overall life purpose…
- Return to your body, return to your natural rhythm, return to a deeper sense of wholeness…
- Identify hidden ways that you sabotage your greatest creative unfolding…
Life is so much more dynamic and meaningful when we no longer feel like victims of circumstance and instead claim our roles as co-creators of everything around us. A reading helps you take any external challenge and use it as an opportunity to do the inner work necessary to get your life aligned with your deepest desires and purpose.
Are you ready to embark on your journey…?
If yes, then fill out the form below to send me a message and set up a reading….